David and The Lingering Sadness...

Friday, September 29, 2006

My trip to North Korea

Earlier this year I had the rare and wonderful honour of taking a tour to one of the last "unknown" places in the world...NORTH KOREA! Over the next few weeks I hope to post a number of pictures from my fantastic adventure, and hopefully you can all gain a sense of what it felt like to be there. Here is my first album, Me, Statues, Soldiers and children...enjoy.
Yours truly standing standing in front of a HUGE statue, actually its about 10 kilometers away from where I was standing.

Hanging with some "kiddies" on the local train service, smiles all around on a great day!

Me with a border guard Mr.Kwang, a really great guy who let me wear his hat. He was soo funny, he asked me to pull his finger and he passed wind!!!!

Finally....yours truly in front of "the great man" Kim Il-Sung forever guarding the vibrant and prosperous city of Pyeoungyong! I sooo look forward to posting the rest of my photos which may be scattered over the next few weeks.



Thursday, September 28, 2006

Birthday Blues

Today, as I presumed you all knew was my birthday. It was a big one as well. That's right, I'm 27. The BIG 2 - 7.

Guess what?????????????? Nobody remembered. Not even my mother. This, is despite the fact I've been reminding everybody I know (and lot's of people I don't know) that today would be my birthday, for the past few months. (Since last years debacle, Rocky horror show fancy dress - downtown - I was the only one to dress up)

The teachers at the school I teach in didn't mention it; Even when I came back from Rome Baguette with my own birthday cake and proceeded to sing happy birthday to myself, before accidently setting fire to the streamers that come out of the party poppers I let off. BANG - WHOOSH - FIRE - still nobody batted an eyelid.

I was going to offer the cake around, but I don't think Korean people like cream cake infused with burnt streamers. So, I ate it all myself, even my pet beetle Makali refused it.

Birthdays have always been a big event to me, I don't know how people can be so apothetic about such a momentus event. I think it goes back to when I was a child. I once had a party back in WA were the whole school turned up. I think they were too young to understand the concept of birthdays and instead of giving me presents, they stole my tricycle, space hopper and SNES. A simple misunderstanding for 16 year olds to make. The point was they all turned up for ME, because I was - sorry AM so popular. Deaf Danny even stayed behind to play musical chairs with me (Yes, he won).

I can only presume that it's you guys in my 'blog brigade' who have organised a special surprise party for me in Seoul tomorrow night. Come on guys you can let on now. Everybody will be there, won't they? That has to be the explanation, it's not really a blog meeting.

It all makes sense now.

Happy Birthday to me.

Hot and Bothered

I haven't gone to Fujitsu this morning, something happened yesterday which has left me with mixed feelings about myself and those around me.
After yesterdays class I agreed to go for lunch with my instructor Mr.Hong, it was a big deal for him as it was our first lunch date together so he decided we should go to a place in the country, about 15 minutes out of town.
On the way we passed the DongJuPock hot spring and Mr.Hong suggested we go in for a while and soak away the tensions of Fujitsu.

The lonely planet says "....there are many hotsprings throughout korea...nudity is optional."

Ive been considering visiting the hotspring for awhile, but that last sentence in the guide book has always held me back "...nudity is optional" I certainly didnt want to be nude with Mr.Hong and it was the last thing on my mind when we headed out countryside, so I told him that I felt a cold coming on and perhaps a hotspring wan't the best idea.
"Oh Siemon you be ok, drink 'dis" he said, handing me a disgusting deer antler (and god knows what else) energy tonic as we pulled into the driveway.
"Listen Mr.Hong I'm really hungry perhaps we should just..." I couldnt finish the sentence as Mr.Hong put his hand in front of my face laughed and said, " is ok, me pay, no dutcheepay, take ticket"

so now it was too late and I resigned myself to the visit, It couldn't be too bad right? nudity after all is only 'optional'
Now its not that I have a problem with nudity, or being nude, its just I have a unique body shape (in this country anyway) and a tendency to turn pink at a sudden change of temperature.
I dont have any problems downstairs, my winkle is no smaller than anyone elses but my ex-girlfriend once told me that it appears smaller than other peoples because of my thigh and buttock shape, and this is not a problem.

So we went inside and were given locker keys. Instantly my fear was recognised,
NO bathing suits!!!!!
I stood there for awhile feeling nauseous and I realised I was crying, goddamnit! not now!

Mr.Hong was undressed in a flash and I was surprised that although a bald man he was covered in the most impressive body hair, and like most Koreans, was hung like a horse
I got myself together and slowly undressed, Mr.Hong was keen to get into it so he said he would shower and meet me in the sauna.

Once I'd taken off my clothes I felt a little better about the experience, we're all men, and I was sure noone was going to stare at me for being a little different.
I grabbed a little 'teatowel' which didnt quite go full circle around me and walked to the main room, there were probably about 20 men in their, most of whom lloked like they were an army group, and when I walked in, silence fell over the room. i decided to make a beeline straight for the sauna which was in the back corner, but that became difficult as my glasses quickly fogged up in the humid environment.
Eventually I found my way, said hi to Mr.Hong, and took a seat back corner of the room.

After a minute or two Mr.Hong announced he was going to the toilet. Soon after he left the heat really started to get to me and i could feel myself 'pinking up', SOMEONE just HAD to say something, "excusee meee mool de ruel ga yo?"
although im still learning korean i knew what he was saying wasnt nice, and it was enough for me, I stood up threw my towel on the floor and said "Excusee meee you all think youre pretty cool dont you picking on somebody different!" with that I stormed out and made straight for the dressing room, i couldnt get changed fast enough. Mr.Hong was surprised to see me as he came from the toilets "Siemon, ok? why? sick?..." thats when I put MY hand in front of HIS face and said, "I didnt sign up for this mate! and i'm leaving!"
"but, but we came togeth...." he didnt get a chance to finish as i was out the door running to the nearest bus-stop

Bastards, how dare they, I've been fuming ever since
overreaction? maybe but it just really made me mad
I guess i should call Mr.Hong and apologise, hes tried to call me 5-6 times but i just cant bare to speak to him

I'll have to at some point though, as I left my glasses in the sauna and contacts hurt my eyes


p.s Chuck and 'd'man, how have you been? i dont know if i can face the Suwon trip after all this.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Weekend Plans

Well with "hump-day" over my thoughts are naturally turning toward the weekend
which this weekend is looking somewhat full


On Saturday I will hopefully be meeting with some of the other contributors to this blog, we've never met in 'person' before so im looking forward to what should be a good time.
I'll be heading to Suwon as early as possible Saturday morning, as I just know that navigating my way around the hectic korean bus and subway system will be a NIGHTMARE!, and so far I HAVEN'T gotten around to booking a room for the night (oops) I know, I know LAZY!

Patrick said I can stay at his friend Wolverines house but I guess that means sleeping on the floor which is something I will NOT do in this lifetime.
Anyway Im looking forward to the meeting and i'm sure we'll get along famously over a FEW beers (honestly guys I'll just have a few)
Im also looking forward to taking in the sights and sounds of a brand new ASIAN city!!!!

ok off to Fujitsu and lunch with Mr. Hong

Everybody have a precious day!


El Rey Chancho's Gente

I'm sorry, people, but I can't take it anymore. The only reason I wade through the river of shit, that is your weekly questions, is because I'm usually able to find at least one that is pertinent, well thought-out, and worth the time it takes to write an answer.

This is an advice blog. I give practical advice, so I'm in now way willing to field questions that have to do with the treatment of sexually-transmitted diseases (MIke Finn, Omaha,), the probability of Jesus returning within the next 20 years (Harold Smith, Freson), how old is Joan Rivers (Molly Beckert, Denver), or have I seen, and if so, what do I think of, Snakes on a Plane (Jason Wheeler, Baton Rouge).

If you want to bother someone, bother your local clergyman, your friend, your doctor, or, for the love of Christ, get on google. Google would know the answers to your stupid questions, and for those of you who are still off-line, you wouldn't have to spend 33 cents on a stamp. I know what you're thinking--if I had google, I'd have email, too, right. Yeah well then explain this to me wise ass: how the hell do they read my blog if they aren't on-line.


I've made a promise to my editor, so I'm going to answer one question, but if it weren't for her, I'd be printing out all these questions and using them to wipe my ass for the next 100,000 years--that's how many stupid questions I've recieved.

I've chosen this question at random, and I haven't read it yet, because I knew if I did, I'd puke.

Okay here we go. Oh good. It's a good one. Yes. WoW. Thank you very much Jessica Weibler, from Saint Paul. You've made my day. I'm sure all the students at Lincoln Junior high school are going to be very jealous. You might even be able to make some friends. I'm not sure, though.

I really hope one of your bleeding-heart, left-wing teachers put you up to this. Those types would put a student in harm's way, without a second thought, for no other reason, but that their cowardice compels them thus, but they complain when our president puts U.S. troops in harms way for a righteous and just cause.

I'll get on with the damn thing.

Dear Mr. Chancho,
Why is there an ever-widening divide between the rich and the poor in this counrty?
signed, Jessica Weibler

That question, Jessice, while being trite beyond comparison, is easy to answer, so I don't hate it as much as the question asking if it is possible to change the oil in a '71 Chevlle using only a pair of pliers. By the way--Yes Ron Jordan, fleetwood Ohio, it is possible, but you can figure it out your-fucking-self.

Back to Jessica. Jessica, the reason your stupid teachers wanted you to ask me this questions is because they're afraid to expose their stupidity on a public forum. I'm sure they've given you some long-winded, pretentious, verbose, uppity, explaination for the "ever-widening divide between the rich and the poor in this country". But I'll tell you right now, They're wrong.

The explaination, Jessica, is quite simple. Everyone, rich and poor, has a finite (thats limited, teachers) amount of resources. Since the trash of this country continue reproducing like flys, they've exausted their resources. Not enough to go around. You never see rich white women who have 6 kids and are on welfare, do you?
There's your answer. Tell your teachers that, instead of lobbying for more assistance for the poor and disenfranchised, they should go give them condoms.

See you next week,

El Rey Chancho

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Thats Mr. Gae to you...

Fujitsu class was back on again this morning and after class I went for NokCha (green tea) with some of the women I train with, during our chitchat the ladies decided I should have a korean name.

Ive been toying with the idea of adapting a korean name for some time but the opportunity has never come up, so I was pleased and honoured that they would suggest it.

After some consultation, they decided I should have the family name of "Gae" of the dog family.
and the first name of "Sae-ki", youthful, childlike.
I understand the dog is a highly revered symbol in the korean culture, and although not one of the chinese zodiac characters apparently almost made it. Anyway the dog represents wisdom, loyalty and (filial peity??) and Sae-ki represents my youthful exuberance.

I am so happy that they would think of me that way, and I'm sure the news will quickly travel through Jechon, and make my stay here all the more enjoyable.
I cant wait for my students to find out!

So here I am "Gae Sae-Ki"



Poetic Justice

Since, everyone else has gone all artsy and poetic, I thought I'd try my hand.

Here goes:

There was a young Aussie called Dave
He thought, he was really cool
Everybody knew he was a fool
He was undoubtedly his blog's slave

The abuse that we gave
has set him completely free
He should be dancing with glee
for, he no longer has to behave

He claimed to be right and just
I'm sure he was full of hot air
not that I really did care
now, I'm sure hookers are a must


P.s. David, I have nothing in common with you.
This is how I feel and whatever happens with S and I, I just want her to know,
Ive been up all night writing it and I was thinking of sending it in a series of texts

What do you think...?...too much?

Love Is ...
Love is the greatest feeling,
Love is like a play,
Love is what I feel for you,
Each and every day,
Love is like a smile,
Love is like a song,
Love is a great emotion,
That keeps us going strong,
I love you with my heart,
My body and my soul,
I love the way I keep loving,
Like a love I can't control,
So remember when your eyes meet mine,
I love you with all my heart,
And I have poured my entire soul into you,
Right from the very start.


Monday, September 25, 2006

Morning ride...lunch with S

I woke up early this morning and was greeted with a clear blue sky and brilliant sunshine~Korea is beautiful in the fall~and decided this is one morning I wasn't going to waste
Fujitsu class was cancelled again so after cleaning the bathroom and doing the dishes~Tony had friends around last night~I decided to get on my bicycle and take in some fresh air and get some much needed cardiovascular exercise

Theres another reason for the ride, I had a lunch date with S at 12:30 and I wanted to have some time away from the house, alone with my thoughts and think about how exactly I could tell her all the things that are on my mind.

I havent seen S for almost three weeks, and our last meeting ended uncomfortably, since then theres been the occasional text, but nothing meaningful, so I was surprised to get a call from her last night inviting me to lunch.

At 11:55 after a good 15 minutes or so of solid riding I pulled into a public toilet to prepare for lunch, the best toilets are at the park which gave me 15 minutes to prepare and another 15 to walk to the restaurant and be 5 minutes early~perfect
S and I agreed to meet at "Ramen princess" our favourite restaurant close to my school, and to my surprise, when I arrived at 12:27, S was already there.
I'd previously decided to eat whatever she wanted so I was relieved when she ordered Bondaegi and Suendae, my favourites,
we ate in silence for awhile, her occasionally looking up and catching my eye and me smiling back, It was so familiar and comfortable that I felt there was no need for conversation.
After eating S reached into her bag for her folder and asked if I'd proofread her latest assignment which I did quickly and efficiently, I was proud to see less mistakes than usual~perhaps my influence has rubbed off on her!

After paying I suggested we take a walk, S said she didnt have much time so we walked together to her car, about a block away, I asked how she'd been and she said she was fine, but i'm not sure she meant it. We got to her car and she thanked me for lunch while hopping inside, I told her no problem and suggested we meet again sometime soon, she said 'maybe' as she started the car.

I watched the car as it drove slowly away, S didnt turn around but bent down to turn on the radio when she got to the lights, probably BoAs' "Forever You" our favourite song.

I love her so much


A Poem . . .. .

Falling . . . . . .

The long black hairs

on my floor

remind me that

my girlfriend's going



How to be good?

This post could actually be titled, 'Why I'm so moral'

When everyone around you seems to succumb to the temptations of the devil, it is very hard to remain true to yourself and the beliefs you hold dear. Just this last weekend, I was out drinking with P, who has a girlfriend (two to be precise, in different countries).

After a pleasant meal of Muck Gook Poo, in which, yes, I did indulge in two classes of the strong stuff (Sujo). Which did leave me feeling a little light headed. We headed to a booking club, with an elder Korean friend, let's just call him Kevin. These 'Booking Clubs' go against everything I believe in, especially my feminist sympathies.

What basically happens is, you get a table and then get waiters to bring (drag) female clubbers of your choice over to your table. These girls obviously don't want to do this (despite paying a lot of money to get into a club where they know exactly what is going to happen), so obviously don't come quietly. Now, the girls we got were obviously not impressed by Kevin and P's overbearing sleazy approach and quicl;y shunned them. BUT, my excellent grasp of Korean language and culture obviously overwhelmed them. I could have taken any number of them home with me. And, if sex was all I was concerned about (like the others) I would have. I am just not comfortable with meeting a lady in these circumstances and am infinitely dubious of their intentions.

Do they just want me for my body? For novelty? What?

I decided to remain true to my principles and go home alone. I need to wait for that magic moment with the right girl. It will come, I just have to BELIEVE.

The D man.

P.s. Kevin and P both succumbed to temptation and I'm sure they felt hollow inside the next morning.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

trailing clouds of glory

Hey everyone,
Sorry for not posting for a couple days. I met C in taegoo, and it was a busy weekend.

Okay, I don't even know where to begin . . . .

C just broke up with his girlfriend, U, and he's been having some trouble getting over it, and I was telling him that maybe getting over it wasn't what he needed to be thinking about so soon, maybe he should give himself time to be sad, and be as emotionally honest with with himself as possible, so things take their natural course. Well after I told him that, he seemed much happier.

We were in a small bar and C ordered a guinness, and before I knew it, he chugged the whole thing, the dark liquid draining quickly from his up-turned glass, and when he slammed his empty class on the table, he gave me a mischevious grin that I hadn't seen in a long time. I knew there was going to be trouble.

"Yo-gi-oh!", he yelled to the bartender, who'd seen C like this before and had a look of shagrin on his face. "Yo-gi-oh" C yelled again, making the bartender jump. "Mik-jew, jewsayo".

While the bartender was pouring C's drink, he looked at me, then at my half-empty glass of san-mic-jew, and said "drink up, buddy, we're going out on the town tonight."

Damnit, I thought. You all know how I feel about getting drunk and going out to night clubs. There are always waster korean girls there who hit on me, and they never speak english, so as soon as they see I can speak korean, they will not leave me alone. And the sleezy foreigners always bump into me, and want to have the most banal conversations--not here to make friends, pal.

The bartender meekly brings C his glass of guinness, eyes averted, and C takes the beer, and holds it up near his cheek, obscuring the dim bar lights, and casting a sinister shadow on the right side of his unshaven face. His nose is getting red. I'm nervous. "Time for a toast, Charlie."

He knows I hate it when he calls me Charlie.

He pushes my shoulder, and I nearly fly off my stool, "Time for a toast" he says again.

There's no arguing with him when he's like this, so I hold up my sang-mick-jew, and C looks me in the eyes, and in his, I see a combination of pain and exilliration. He wobbles and the brown froth of his guinness wobbles, too. "A toast", he says one more time, loudly. Some people in the bar look at C, but he just stares at them for a second, and they look away.

I'm holding up my sang-mic-jew waiting for the toast, but C is quiet now, contemplative, so I wait for him with my glass in the air. Finally, he looks at me, and I can see a tear has fallen from his right eye. He'd never admit it, though. He begins the toast: "You know I lived her, Charlie, and I probably always will." I nod. "Fuckin' women!" I jump. "Tonight, I'm with you, Charlie, and we're going to have a fuckin' blast!" We touch glasses, and C tilts back his head and I'm in awe at how fast he empties his glass, his adam's apple moving up and down franticly, his hand clutching the pint.

He's finished before I start, and when he slams his glass on the table, he just gives me that look, so I know what I have to do? I tilt back my head and drink as much of my sang-mick-jew as possible. The burn on the back of my throat reminds me of new years eve 2002, of hope and horror, and I drink on, eyes closed, head back, and since I can't breath through my nose, I stop just before I suffocate, and put my glass on the bar, and look at C who is smiling at me.

I feel the buzz. I feel my face heating up, and I'm ready to throw caution to the wind, with C by my side.

"Pussy" he yells, pointing at my glass, which still has beer in it. He grabs it and drinks it all in one gulp. C slams my glass on the bar and yells "yo-gi-oh, ol-mi-ao" and the bartender meekly walks toward us, secretly happy to know that we're leaving, he's seen us like this before, and it wasn't pretty. "Sam-monnun" says the bartender, and when I go to pay, C holds up his massive hand, and says, "No, tonights on me" and then he laughs a manical laugh, that makes me shiver, pays the bill, and without saying consamnedaa, walks out the door, his shrt tails trailing behind, his body in sillouette from the outside light, his step sure, and I run after him with our jackets under my arm.

I'm in trouble, I think, I'm in trouble.

More later



Who is he?

David www.staypuff.net has recently added this photo to his home page, in the photo David wears the colours of the country which regected him and behind is a flag of the country currently enduring his prescence.
The image, in the words of my esteemed colleague "captures the two sides of David...it says, 'i'm a regular guy, but I don't mind having some fun' " in a word its a little bit "cheeky"
The question I have about the photo concerns the question printed above Davids' bald head "Who am I?"
Why is it there when anybody who has tried to answer the question has been blocked from the site? *sigh*
Its not healthy not knowing who you are, so we're here to help David and others learn who he is.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

I need a little love . . .

. . . like I've never needed love before.

The thing about living in a foreign country, is that you are isolated from all the people you love and who love you. When you just want to go home at night and have that special somebody put their arm around, but all you've got is your overweight, homosexual (not that I have a problem with gays) Australian (or criminals) housemate, things start to get on top of you.

This sense of isolation was only heightened this week, when, the girl who I have been casually dating, Ming-Er, stood me up . . . AGAIN! Her brother had just been killed in a car accident, an hour before we were due to meet, but all it takes is just one little phone call. Hell! I'd even have accepted a text message in her broken English. (My Korean is perfect, so why they can't get English right is beyond me).

Anyway, I think it's about time I started looking out for number one (me.) I have to realise I have so much love and affection to give the right girl, if they don't want it, well, let's face it, it's their problem. It really irks me, when people Like Mr. P (the American in my town, name changed for legal reasons) can pick up anybody he likes, just because he is tall, blond and handsome. I truely believe women are not really impressed by these features and as they mature, will realise that he is hollow and shallow and will only hurt them. Then, they will realise were the true man is and where they can get "REAL LOVE." Because after all, that's what makes the world go around.

Hopefully soon, 2>1. (2= me and a young lady, by the way. 1=us becoming united in love)

The D man.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Things I notice in Korea (and presume you'd like to know about)

Hi Everyone:I live in the town of Pyeonyang, just some 100 Km away from the DMZ. There is a Korean Army training camp just a few blocks away from my office. Yesterday afternoon there were some Artillery exercises conducted at the training camp, and, boy! Did those cannons sound loud! I wonder if they were loud enough for you to hear them.There had been other Artillery exercises in the vicinity before, but, for some reason, yesterday's were particularly noisy, to the point of disturbing my work. I was even able to see the smoke after some of the shots. I assumed they were using live ammunition, so I was not concerned about where any ordinances would land.Later on I spoke to a staff member who served in the Korean army and he confirmed that, indeed, they use live ammunition for those exercises. My students got a bit nervous after the 4th or 5th shot, but I guess it was just another day in the life for the people of Ganseong. Take care and enjoy your work.

Take care of yourself, and each other.


A beutiful review of www.staypuff.net

The first thing that I noticed about StayPuff.net is that it?s not merely a weblog. Theweblog is the main focus of the site, but there are several other sections (including anintriguingly named ?Experiments? section) in addition the weblog. I was expecting those sections to be external links, but clicking on them shows that they?re internal content created by David, the owner of the site. There are actually 5 authors (including David) listed on the side, but 3 of the others have blogs of their own, and David seems to be the only active writer. Browsing through the archives shows that the other authors average about a post a month. However, David more than makes up for the lack of the other authors posts with his frequent posts. The other authors also frequently make comments on David?s blog and vice versa. The writing style of David is easy to read and he has a sense of humour that translates well into text. The posts are varied and can be anything from news events to David?s personal life. The posts feels easy to read because of his writing style and that is not something that many people can do. I genuinely felt compelled to read more due to the way David structures his entries. Unfortunately, I could only read up to June 2002, even though the weblog has been online since May 2001. It appears that David made the transition to Greymatter on the 22nd of June and clicking on all entries before that resulted in a ?404 ? File not found? error. Nevertheless, I thoroughly enjoyed reading all the archives up to June, and it?s nice to see that the writing style and humour carries back to the beginning. The first other thing I clicked on was the Experiments link, and the title does not disappoint. Inside that section, David describes the internet experiments which he has conducted. I particularly enjoyed reading the ?Chatting up a chic via e-mail? one, where he posted a tantalizing profile at an online dating site and compiles the list of replies that he received. These experiments give the readers a voyeuristic enjoyment in reading the replies. I was also impressed by David?s sense of responsibility, in that he did not post the results of the second experiment, which is about a dubious issue (read it on the site). There is also an Articles section, which is a list of articles David and his friends has written over the years. These includes pieces as varied as ?A few pointers to seduce women? to a multi-part road trip to Albany write-up, which was the first clue that David is an Australian (I missed the Aussie Blogs webring link at the bottom of the main page). There is also a section called David?s People (D.People). It seems to work like a agony aunt article in that David replies to readers who write in about various personal problems. Some of them are funny and some of them are genuinely helpful, but all of them are interesting to read. The other sections are the guestbook, links, results of the monthly polls and a gallery ? which wasn?t the personal picture gallery I expected but screenshots of David?s ?The Sims? (a computer game) families. Regarding the design of the site, I found the clean approach and black background to be easy on the eyes. I also liked the way the red, blue and yellow bars seem to have an effect of guiding the eyes down. That hypnotising effect is probably why I spent so much time reading the main site. :) However, there is a design decision which I found strange. The archives of the blog open up in another window and the formatting of the main site does not carry over into the archives. I have no problems with this though, since the basic white archive template is easy to read, but it does detract from the ?integrated? feel of the site. Also, this is nitpicking, but the Main link on the top navigation bar pops up a new window instead of simply loading it in the current one. I?m not sure if this is a conscious decision, but I found this to be distracting as I have to close the new window. In conclusion, I like the site and I feel that it really deserves a 4.5, but the inaccessible pre June 2002 archives and minor design issues made me reduce the score to a 4 in compliance with the rating guidelines. I really recommend that everyone visits this site, as it?s worthy of that at least, to establish if you like this site enough to read it regularly. Personally, I?ve already bookmarked the site and will continue to read it daily.
This site was reviewed on 2003-05-12 by sixthseal.They felt this site belonged in the Personal category.sixthseal felt that StayPuff deserved a rating of 4.



This guy is an inspiration to amateur bloggers like myself. One day I hope to be as funny, original and 'WACKY' as him.

I'll have to learn how to post videos first.

Bar Bar

Thursday, September 21, 2006

time is the old bald cheetah

Amongst the usual mail from followers and fans of www.staypuff.net there have been a few legimate queries from interested people as to the logistics of Davids' site and life in general, among these the majority ask "where does David get the time?"
and where does he? after kickng ass at the taekwondo academy, going out on dates, learning a foreign language, masturbating, teaching 12 classes a day and wrestling with the moral issues of himself and others, there cant be a lot of tme left in the day for the mundane task of making an eager audience cringe
well our man on the ground, disguised as a girl (so as not to get catch Davids' attention) managed to secure ths shot of the dedicated man in action

the author apologises for the low quality of humour in this post


David (www.staypuff.net) always likes to show us the foreign things he eats. Tryin' to look all clever and all. So I thought I'd show ya'll what a real man eats. Cawt this on the I55. Boiled it up with some squirrel and grass. It was deelishus.

Yee Ha


Another great pic of people enjoying themselves at fellow christian and adventuror Andrew Browns' Birthday party! www.andyinkorea.blogspot.com
Happy Birthday you dirty old bastard

This is a photo of a fellow blogger's wife. his blog is called blessed family, and those of us at david and the lingering sadness thought we'd just post this photo to illustrate how much we respect the sanctity of love and the family unit. She's priced above rubies, and she should be.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

People The World Could Just Do Without!

Let me appologize in advance--this might get ugly.

Okay sleezy aussie, A, no--Adam Copper, I'll use your real name, because you obviously have no sense of decency, so why should I treat you with any.
I really think the problem most people have with me is that I'm too honest. If there's something you're doing, and I don't like it, I'm GOING to tell you. That's just the way I am, and people can either get used to it, or not be around me.

So, yeah, my run the other day was great. I meet ADAM down by the lake, and he's standing there trying to have this conversation with two korean girls, and from a distance I can hear how badly he's speaking korean, and I can tell that the two girls are NOT impressed, but he's being really touchy, and overbearing, and you know how polite koreans are, so they put up with it. Like they haven't had sleezy western guys hit on them before. When he sees me coming he gets this big grin on his face, and gestures toward me, so the girls he's talking to look, and I can tell they want to leave. But Adam starts yelling, introducing these girls to me, and telling them I'm his friend: "chingu chingu." Ummmm, right.

And the girls look at me in this help-me way, so I approach them quickly, and start speaking korean, very fast, so ADAM won't understand a word, not that he'd understand anything if I spoke slowly, but I didn't even want him to pick up a word. I apologize for his conduct and make it a point to stand there and talk to them for at least 5 minutes, while ADAM stands by watching with his mouth open in awe. UMMMM, yeah. I've done a little more in the last three years than go out and get drunk and eat anjew at hofs. And then I politely say goodbye to the girls, who were much calmer in their leaving than they had been 5 minutes before with ADAM slobbering on them.

After they leave. I'm disgusted. I just want to get this run over and go home, but ADAM decides to light up a cigarette, and ask me questions, like how did I learn so much korean. Studying. Or what were the girls names. Umm, kim sul-young, and park young-il. And did I mind if he smoked his cigarette before we went running. Yeah.

That was it. I'd had enough. So I just start running as fast as I can, and I can hear ADAM try to keep up with me, but just like our korean speaking levels are different, so are our running levels. Before too long, I can't hear his steps anymore, but I do hear him shout some australian slang insult that I can barely hear because I'm so far ahead of him now.

When I get home, there's a message on my answering machine--it's ADAM, acting as though everything was a big joke--no idiot. it wasn't. sorry. I'm not your friend. Leave me alone. He's a person the world could do without.

Well I'm off to make this week's lesson plans.

Bye for now


Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Kimchi Man: A Force for Good or Evil?

Given the huge volume of traffic that passes through David's blog (www.staypuff.net), and the fact that this human traffic may be quite young, impressionable and most of all Korean; I believe he has a moral duty to make sure he uses his infuence in a positive manner.

www.staypuff.net could be a great social tool for good, but what does David choose to do? I'll tell you: He chooses to make smutty little cartoons like Kimchi Man (the anit-christ). In the latest episode, KM decides to help a child win a computer competition by cheating, then goes on to say, and I quote, "It's only cheating if you get caught." Why does he want to win the computer game? So he can blow money on hollow consumer goods for his materialist whore of a mother.

I believe David distributes this filth to his students, what kind of impression will it make on them? There will be a generation of Andong kids running around, lying, cheating, stealing and pimping in order to get what they want. This must stop.

Quite frankly Kimchi Man is a rude, offensive little cunt and there's no fucking need for it.

Mary Whitehouse

P.s. What makes Kimchi Man even more offensive, is the fact that the spelling and grammar is awful. Not only will his students be immoral, they'll also be illiterate. I mean how long does it take to read what you hav ejust written.


Hugs^^ to David over at staypuff.net who has had to deal with *sigh* another episode of "miscomumication" from a korean girl. This latest setback led to dinner being served 30minutes late on a weeknight but otherwise didnt affect a thankfully enjoyable evening
this has been an ongoing theme at staypuff and is something of a mystyery, considering davids' obvious command of Korean language and customs.
I can however sympathise as I too am suffering from some communication problems with my new 'ladyfriend' who is also a non-native speaker, just the other day she confused my request for oral sex as a statement that I would give her oral sex and that really made me feel uncomfortable, now she thinks I dont enjoy oral sex at all which couldnt be further from the truth! As is so often the way with these princesses she's getting what she wants and I'm left feeling a little bit used, why can't things just be simple...what to do?


Rebecca's Tattoo

I've been thinking for some time about getting a tattoo. All my friends tell me it would look really cool. I think Becca at Iamrebecca has just proved this and convinced me to take the leap.
I mean, really, how cool does that look? And it means so much to her. I just have to decide what to get now, any suggestions.

Helen Colley

Who's lost that lovin' feelin' ? bring it on back!

There's a girl in my office who is deliberatly ignoring me, and instead of finding it attractive, it's making me think she a real bitch, and I'm probably not even going to ask her out anymore. I'd planned on taking her to a duck golbi place within the next week or two, and based on our conversations, which we were having on a daily basis before this silent treatment, she was keen to go, but now, I don't think I will ask her at all. I hate it when girls do that sort of thing. Excuse my rant, but she gave a half smile earlier and I just ignored her, and this has been brewing in my head all day.

I'm going for a run tonight--no, not because I need to, but because I don't want to look like I need to--, and I'm supposed to meet A at about 7:30. I've been running with him lately. A's a new foreigner in town, and he's sorta latched on to me, and seroiusly, it's starting to get annoying. He's a nice guy, but who really want's to lead a new person through town and answer all his inane questions, and show him everything, and after all that, have beers on friday. And he smokes, and he's been to my place, which I wasn't comfortable with, and he just lit up a cigarette in my apartment. You guys know I've only got a one room, so you can imagine how awful the smell still is. So I think toniight, I'll say something to him, in an indirect way, about how much he's annoying me, and maybe he'll get the hint, but I'm not very confident he will. He's from Australia, and he just seems like one of those stupid guys who comes to korea just to meet women, and not work. If he doesn't get the hint, I'll make it plain.

K called me last night from California. He's doing well. He's staying at his sisters and is thinking about starting back up at Berkley. He was doing a degree in anthropology, before he dropped out, so I'm thinking he'll continue with that, and with his minor in philosophy. Everything he's into is so abstract and complicated, but I like that about him. He said he'll be getting a job with his sister until next semester, then he hopes he'll be off to school. He also informed me that Kerouac's on the road will be re-released in it's manuscript form in decmber. I can't wait.

Well, I've got to work up the nerve to go for a run with A. Wish me luck



Monday, September 18, 2006

Right or Wrong?

Last weekend, David (www.staypuff.net) commited a sin that made him question his inflated opinion of his own morality. As usual, he was completely vague about the details of what actually transpired, so it was probably nothing. I personally think he makes up these little scenarios, just to justify his banal existence. It gives him chance to talk about something else, other than naming his electrical goods and his pathetic love life.

But, just suppose someting did happen. What could he have possibly done? Since, the sycophantic, little arsewipe only allows people with a rosy view of his warped world to post comments on his website, there has been no place to speculate on this matter (until now).

Personally, I think he visited the ladies (possibly men) of the night. How about you?

Bar Bar


The Fruit of My Dog

After David, from staypuff.net, rejected numerous constructive and pertinent comments written by myself and my friends, we've decided to start our own blog, which will have several contributors and deal mainly with the daily content of staypuff.net. If you happen by this site, please feel free to look around and leave whatever comments you like, unless you happen to be David from staypuff.net; then, you can go fuck yourself, pussy--go back to your own stupid blog. This one is ours. You hear?

--El Rey Chancho

P.S. David, it's difficult for people to understand you, because you're stupid, not because you're special