David and The Lingering Sadness...

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

I'm Disappointed

There are two people in my life that have been disappointing me lately.
The first person is making a stupid mistake. They know what they’re doing is wrong, yet they still do it. In the end someone, probably two people, are going to end up getting very hurt. I suppose its a matter of greed and weakness, but that isn’t an excuse. When you care for someone you don’t make bad choices like this, which I can only conclude indicates that this person really doesn’t feel as strongly about the other person as they care to believe. You can sugar coat it and make all the excuses in the world, at the end of the day its just plain wrong.
I’m not sure how I feel knowing full well what’s happening and not doing anything to stop it. It doesn’t feel right. Its really none of my business.
Second, and not entirely isolated from the first case, is that I don’t understand why a person would say a thing that they should know full well is going to hurt someone, only to repeat the same dose again a few days later. It can’t be stupidity, it really can’t, so it has me thinking that it might be something else.
The reality check from the other day really didn’t sink in all that well. If there’s any stupidity then its highly probable its on my behalf.
If anything it puts a whole dampener on the ‘trust’ thing, or at least my perception of it.
People just continue to disappoint.



  • At 4:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Simon, don't plagiarise my blog again. Please.


  • At 9:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Simon it's me Prague. Just a note to say I still love and I think you'll do the right thing. Knock 'em dead tiger


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