Embracing Diversity!*
I love difference.
I love gays.
I love blacks.
I love Asians, even the Japanese.
I love learning about new cultures. I think integrating with new cultures makes us better, it also makes us appreciate our own culture in a different way.
But, there is a problem.Everybody is integrating. This means that the difference bewtween cultures is diminishing. How can we celebrate diversity if everybody is the same?
I have a few proposals to help maintain our uniqueness.
1. Travel bans. Don't allow people to travel to other countries for a short period of time, say,10 years.Or only let people travel by foot.
2. Apartheid. People knock it, but it kept a unique diversity in South Africa.
3. Gay towns. Have towns where only gays can go.
Does anybody else have any suggestions on how we can keep people unique?
The D Man (who else?)
I love gays.
I love blacks.
I love Asians, even the Japanese.
I love learning about new cultures. I think integrating with new cultures makes us better, it also makes us appreciate our own culture in a different way.
But, there is a problem.Everybody is integrating. This means that the difference bewtween cultures is diminishing. How can we celebrate diversity if everybody is the same?
I have a few proposals to help maintain our uniqueness.
1. Travel bans. Don't allow people to travel to other countries for a short period of time, say,10 years.Or only let people travel by foot.
2. Apartheid. People knock it, but it kept a unique diversity in South Africa.
3. Gay towns. Have towns where only gays can go.
Does anybody else have any suggestions on how we can keep people unique?
The D Man (who else?)
At 8:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
Cheers D-man. Good to see that even though you're running this site on your own, you still manage to produce thought provoking entries.
I suggest that to preserve diversity, we take half the people from every country and force them to live isolated from the rest of the world. In this case we would still be able to continue to live and progress normally but we would also have half the population to remain as diverse as they ever were.
How would we choose who gets to live normally and who gets isolated? Its simple, those who shit before showering continue to live normally. Those who shower first and then shit will be isolated.
At 9:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
I also suggest that we use dogs to keep the gays in gaytown, and if a "straight man" (D) is seen entering gaytown, the dogs should be ordered to sick his balls and penis. I think people should be isolated or not based on race. Let the asians stay in asia, let the great white man stay in america and the ordinary white man stay in those other places, make the camel fuckers go back to where they came from and then make the blacks go back to africa and england where they came from. After everyone goes back to where they're respective countries, we can start new colonies all over again--a new breed of half-castes will be born, being half white, half something else, half god half devil, half pure light, half pitch black, half good half evil--then with this new breed of mediocre half-breeds, we can develope a whole host of new death sports--razor thunb wresteling, flaming ping-pong, death ball, face ball, pennis (tennis with a wiener), tit stilts, drought fishing (fishing in the desert) and eye hockey--think of the irony. Enlightened by these games the white race will go on to become gods, exaulted, revered, feared, wrathful, malignant, cancerous, productive and different.
At 11:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
hey nigger, can your dick reach your asshole?
At 11:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
yes sir it can.
At 11:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
Then go fuck yourself!!
At 5:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thanks Jack. I know you feel empathy with me. I read your blog - three beautiful things, daily. You write as a woman so well.
Sorry to give away your secret identity.
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