...and Bloggers Shall Inherit the Earth.
It seems to me, that a revolution is taking place. Not a dramatic revolution, like Metrosexuality. A quiet revolution. One, that ulimately, could become more important than anything that has preceded it, apart from the legalisation of homosexuality. (not that I'm gay)
Election turnouts are decreasing, people are reading less books, friends are socialising in public much less, sports clubs are reporting a loss in membership, newspaper's are losing readers. Why is this?
One reason.
Bloggers. We have become the most relevant people in the world, almost overnight. What we write transcends borders, it unites people, let's lonely people realise they will never walk alone. Best of all, nobody judges you in cyberspace. You can be gay (David), obese (David), lesbian (Rebecca (and David)), retarded (David), dyslexic (David), deluded (Andy in Korea and his brother) (and David), socially inept (David), useless with women (David) etc and so on. But, you know what? It really doesn't matter, because we, the bloggers love you.
We want to, NO, we need to know, what you had for breakfast, how many different kinds of chicken you put on your barbecue, how long your baggage takes at the airport. These simple things matter.
Bloggers, you really are special. I love you all.
Soon, everybody will be a blogger. We won't have to meet in public, anymore. We can embellish our whole experience. We can live the life we wish we actually were living. Why would you not want that? Ok, it may not be real. But, what is reality? Why can't it exist inside a computer?
All hail David, King of the Bloggers: Inspiration to millions.
The D man
Election turnouts are decreasing, people are reading less books, friends are socialising in public much less, sports clubs are reporting a loss in membership, newspaper's are losing readers. Why is this?
One reason.
Bloggers. We have become the most relevant people in the world, almost overnight. What we write transcends borders, it unites people, let's lonely people realise they will never walk alone. Best of all, nobody judges you in cyberspace. You can be gay (David), obese (David), lesbian (Rebecca (and David)), retarded (David), dyslexic (David), deluded (Andy in Korea and his brother) (and David), socially inept (David), useless with women (David) etc and so on. But, you know what? It really doesn't matter, because we, the bloggers love you.
We want to, NO, we need to know, what you had for breakfast, how many different kinds of chicken you put on your barbecue, how long your baggage takes at the airport. These simple things matter.
Bloggers, you really are special. I love you all.
Soon, everybody will be a blogger. We won't have to meet in public, anymore. We can embellish our whole experience. We can live the life we wish we actually were living. Why would you not want that? Ok, it may not be real. But, what is reality? Why can't it exist inside a computer?
All hail David, King of the Bloggers: Inspiration to millions.
The D man
At 4:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi fellas, its me Jack.
I have returned home and thankfully there has been no sign thus far of the Sicko.
My boss is furious about me leaving but has not terminated my job so I'll be going back to work today.
I'll keep my fingers crossed that the Sockcho Sicko has found someone else to occupy his thoughts because i dont think i could go through that again.
At 11:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
Why dont you tell us a story from the old days jack? you must of had one hell of a time in the 20years before 1999, especially mixing with people like lloyd all the time
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