How Are You?
At this time of year as the leaves turn from Orange to brown I often think about those I love and have loved, my friends and people who have drifted out of my life and I wonder how they are, how their year has been and what they dream of for the future
So how are you everybody?
I'd love it if a few of you would comment and let me know how its all been going
So how are you everybody?
I'd love it if a few of you would comment and let me know how its all been going
At 8:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
So much has happened this year. I can't even remember the beginning of the year. It seems like it was such a lifetime ago. I know that I was positive it would be a great year. And it has been. It's had its fair share of tears, and a whole bunch of confusion, but I'm still here. I'm still holding on.
Granted a few things have taken place that I never thought would. I have gained so much strength and perspective in regards to a few things. I'm just amazed at how good I am feeling within myself.
Of course I wouldn't be in this place if I didn't have help on the way. My guardian angels, my bestest of all best friends on Earth- Ancara. I've received so much love and guidance from Ancara and other friends.
I've discovered strong, long-lasting friendships within people I've known for a while. Their love and support, hugs and jokes have made me realise that I'm a great person and I don't deserve people treating me like crap!
I am so greatful for every little thing the universe has thrown at me. A lot of confusing things have happened and they're continuing to happen, but I am so greatful I am of sound mind and heart to be able to deal with it.
I can't extend my gratitude and thanks in any other way. I am afraid I can't articulate it.
I am incredibly lucky and fortunate to have everyone in my life!
At 6:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
HEY GUYS!!!!!!
Its me, Jack. Im writing from a PC room in a city that Im afraid I cant reveal. Im o.k for the time being...
I think Im in big trouble... you see awhile back i think one of my comments might have offended that guy known as "Sockcho Sicko".
One night not long ago there was this weird dude hanging around my apartment building. I never gave it too much thought until he followed me up to my door and when I started to enter my house, he ran at me screaming "DONT FUCK WITH THE SICKO" and swinging what looked like a long metal pole.
He struck me hard in the back of the neck and i hit the ground rolling... lucky for me, I got to my feet quickly enuff to run like mad down the stairs and out of the building.
The sicko gave chase but fortunately it seems that running is not something he does well and I was able to lose him shortly after exiting the building.
I hung out in a local motel room for the rest of the day wondering what to do. The next day i decided he was probably gone and went back to my house only to once again see the sicko pacing back and forth in the parking lot.
Well... ive been hiding out ever since... havent been to work because i figure he knows where i work as well.
At 7:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
The Sokcho Sicko can be appeased with young boys.
At 7:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
The Sicko has the smell of blood and must kill, he does not care who the sacrifice is. I suggest you kidnap David and offer him to the Sicko in exchange for him leaving you alone. Please, you will be doing the world a favour.
At 7:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
Levi, talking about oneself in third person is not big or clever. You are a prick. At least that's what Simon thinks.
At 8:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
I've never talked about myself in that way, and I don't know why you would think I did, Simon.
Sometimes when I'm walking from the living room to the kitchen, I stub my toe on the door-jam, and if it really hurts, I'll say, "Dang it, Levi, watch where you're going." But that's all.
At 4:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
someones pretending to be me and i dont like it...levi i didnt leave that nasty comment about you but i must admit i am smarting some from you calling me an f*ing homo yesterday, i was just trying to help and you come out with that? i know im not a gifted writer like d'man or David from staypuff but i have a right to make everybody read about my life, and if you dont want to listen to the opinion of someone who is
A: more experienced at blogwriting, and
B: someone who could potentially be a good friend, then that is your loss amigo
At 5:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
fuck.... i hope simon gets evicted from this site...
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