Does the fact that I cry in public, bring into question my sexuality?
This is a question that has long bothered men like myself. So, I have decided to write an investigative essay into this subject.
I go through life encountering situations that bring into question, in my own mind, my sexuality. I presume this is not a unique phenomena and all men feel the same, that is why I'm not embarrassed for my thoughts and ponderings to be in circulation. In fact, I quite enjoy the world examing the insides of mind and commenting upon it; it helps me gain unique, independent perspective. And, because I am such a unique person, I know people are fascinated.
The analysis of this subject will be broken down into three distinct chapters:
Chapter 1. Childhood - Over-comforting male adults and the school showers.
Chapter 2. Friends - Many girlfriends and homosexual friends. No real male friends.
Chapter 3. Experimentation - Should I take it further? Have I already?
That is just a taster to whet your appetite.
More to come soon.
The D(avid) man
This is a question that has long bothered men like myself. So, I have decided to write an investigative essay into this subject.
I go through life encountering situations that bring into question, in my own mind, my sexuality. I presume this is not a unique phenomena and all men feel the same, that is why I'm not embarrassed for my thoughts and ponderings to be in circulation. In fact, I quite enjoy the world examing the insides of mind and commenting upon it; it helps me gain unique, independent perspective. And, because I am such a unique person, I know people are fascinated.
The analysis of this subject will be broken down into three distinct chapters:
Chapter 1. Childhood - Over-comforting male adults and the school showers.
Chapter 2. Friends - Many girlfriends and homosexual friends. No real male friends.
Chapter 3. Experimentation - Should I take it further? Have I already?
That is just a taster to whet your appetite.
More to come soon.
The D(avid) man
At 7:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
Tarmak yer drive - 500 quid
At 9:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
im afraid it does
crying in public = homo as far as i'm concerned unless youve got a bloody good reason,
and i dont reckon you do yet
At 10:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
It was me, it was me, it was me
I left my baby at the DMZ
It was me, it was me, it was me
I left my baby at the DMZ
Now I can see
It was me, it was me, it was me
I left my baby at the DMZ
No more gleeeeee... For me
I left my baby at the DMZ
It was meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.........
At 5:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
went to the dmz
to see what wecould see
she went behind a tree
just to take a pee
and i did flee
oh eeeeeyeee
left my babeeee
at the dmz
my flask is full of tea
im off to camp casey
to get some used booty
now that im finally free
from my babeeeeee
in the dmz
At 9:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
England is a disgusting country. Its dirty, expensive and is most famous for rotten yellow teeth.
These are facts.
The question is... why is it such a terrible nation? Government? Monarchy? Citizens? or maybe a combination.
Let me know what you think.
At 10:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
Simon. How dare you?
You seem to forget Great Britain's place in civising the world. Especially, countries like yours. Great Britain is Great, the clue is in the name. No other country has such a noble adjective preceeding it's name. You usually get something pathetic like New, so the idiot locals know it's not original. Or, South, so the caveman locals have a rough idea of where they are. Or United, so they all know they're on the same side.
How dare you question your Queen? You still speak her language, for God's sake.
The teeth are not rotten, it's a protective layer, to show that we are better than you.
Most of all,how dare you question Parliamentary Democracy and it's custodians? Tony Blair possesses more chivalry than all the men of your country combined.
At 10:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
I have nothing against Britain, I was always a fan of the Queen mum and I adored Diana
At 11:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
Ive had enough of it all
nobody listens to me
or calls me anymore
my heart is always in pain
perhaps its time to say goodbye
At 11:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
Simon. Are you scizophrenic?
Or, are you just a coward? Who thinks he's tough, but then starts cowering at the first sign of trouble.
At 11:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
i made that comment on the wrong site, its, umm, not what it looks like yeah, im fine really doing well,,,ok then
At 11:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
im not a fag...or a queer
but i was always a little scared of the bigger boys
thats only natural
mr. bull sticks and stones may break my bones but names will NEVER hurt me
At 11:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
Some people, obviously think it's big and clever to impersonate and intimidate others. That wasn't my comment, I want that on record.
But, I was thinking that. Can you read my mind? This is freaky. Do you know pelethapy? Can you speak to the dead? If, the answer is yes, please tell me how Freddie Mercury and Lady Diana - The Queen of Hearts are doing.
I miss them so much.
At 11:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
Tell me where you live and we'll test that sticks and stones theory.
At 11:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
I served time with John Bull in Brixton. He was in for beating up immigrants as they came through the channel tunnel. He got charged with murder, then had it reduced to manslaughter on appeal. Then, GBH, then affray, then breach of the peace. It turned out, David Blunkett took quite a shine to him. It meant he had fewer people to kick out.
Anyway, I'm getting away from the real point of my comment. When we were inside together, he would regularly ask me to wear a wig and suck his cock and whisper "Bully Woolly" to him as I was caressing his testicles.
I think he is a little repressed and scared of his own sexuality.
At 11:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
Speaking of queers. Why hasn't Chanch "the so called" bad man posted this week?
At 4:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
Do you know how many John Bulls there are in this country?
Lots. That's how many. How dare you insuate things like that about me, you filthy little queer.
Anyway, why should hitting immigrants with a cricket bat be a crime?
At 4:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hitting people with a cricket bat is indeed a crime. But the crime does not exist in the fact that someone has been hit. The real crime is that the paddle looking device (which would be better suited for rowing a boat than hitting things) is called a 'bat'.
I understand that many countries (mostly third world) enjoy the sport of cricket. But lets be honest. Hitting a ball with a canoe paddle is not much of a challenge.
I guess the challenge lies in the fact that the ball is hurled into the turf and its bounce can be unpredictable... therefore the batter also has to be concerned for his own well being considering the ball may strike his body. But wait... the batters appear to wear protective gear(masks, pads...etc) so i guess that is not a factor.
Furthermore... it is not even necessary to hit the ball with any authority, but rather just to pretect your 'wicket' and scamper across the pitch to trade places with your teammate(closey admiring his bum as he passes).
Sorry.. i am begining to ramble... let me know what you think guys.
At 5:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
From the limited amount of cricket I have seen, it looks like the batting is pretty easy but the fielding looks quite challenging. Those Pakis and Indians can really snag those balls out of nowhere.
At 9:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear George
I cordially invite you to cricket training with the England team. You can wear as much padding as you like, seen as it won't hurt.
At the same time I'll practice the simpleton's sport - baseball. How hard can hitting a full toss really be? How hard can it be to catch a ball in a big girly glove?
One more thing. They are not called Pakis and Indians. We don't differentiate, just Pakis will suffice. THey are all the same after all.
At 10:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
Lord Beaverbrook
I agree with you on one issue. There is no need to differentiate.... all those sand people are Pakis. I stand corrected.
furthermore... they should be wacked with a cricket paddle.
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