Morning ride...lunch with S
I woke up early this morning and was greeted with a clear blue sky and brilliant sunshine~Korea is beautiful in the fall~and decided this is one morning I wasn't going to waste
Fujitsu class was cancelled again so after cleaning the bathroom and doing the dishes~Tony had friends around last night~I decided to get on my bicycle and take in some fresh air and get some much needed cardiovascular exercise
Theres another reason for the ride, I had a lunch date with S at 12:30 and I wanted to have some time away from the house, alone with my thoughts and think about how exactly I could tell her all the things that are on my mind.
I havent seen S for almost three weeks, and our last meeting ended uncomfortably, since then theres been the occasional text, but nothing meaningful, so I was surprised to get a call from her last night inviting me to lunch.
At 11:55 after a good 15 minutes or so of solid riding I pulled into a public toilet to prepare for lunch, the best toilets are at the park which gave me 15 minutes to prepare and another 15 to walk to the restaurant and be 5 minutes early~perfect
S and I agreed to meet at "Ramen princess" our favourite restaurant close to my school, and to my surprise, when I arrived at 12:27, S was already there.
I'd previously decided to eat whatever she wanted so I was relieved when she ordered Bondaegi and Suendae, my favourites,
we ate in silence for awhile, her occasionally looking up and catching my eye and me smiling back, It was so familiar and comfortable that I felt there was no need for conversation.
After eating S reached into her bag for her folder and asked if I'd proofread her latest assignment which I did quickly and efficiently, I was proud to see less mistakes than usual~perhaps my influence has rubbed off on her!
After paying I suggested we take a walk, S said she didnt have much time so we walked together to her car, about a block away, I asked how she'd been and she said she was fine, but i'm not sure she meant it. We got to her car and she thanked me for lunch while hopping inside, I told her no problem and suggested we meet again sometime soon, she said 'maybe' as she started the car.
I watched the car as it drove slowly away, S didnt turn around but bent down to turn on the radio when she got to the lights, probably BoAs' "Forever You" our favourite song.
I love her so much
Fujitsu class was cancelled again so after cleaning the bathroom and doing the dishes~Tony had friends around last night~I decided to get on my bicycle and take in some fresh air and get some much needed cardiovascular exercise
Theres another reason for the ride, I had a lunch date with S at 12:30 and I wanted to have some time away from the house, alone with my thoughts and think about how exactly I could tell her all the things that are on my mind.
I havent seen S for almost three weeks, and our last meeting ended uncomfortably, since then theres been the occasional text, but nothing meaningful, so I was surprised to get a call from her last night inviting me to lunch.
At 11:55 after a good 15 minutes or so of solid riding I pulled into a public toilet to prepare for lunch, the best toilets are at the park which gave me 15 minutes to prepare and another 15 to walk to the restaurant and be 5 minutes early~perfect
S and I agreed to meet at "Ramen princess" our favourite restaurant close to my school, and to my surprise, when I arrived at 12:27, S was already there.
I'd previously decided to eat whatever she wanted so I was relieved when she ordered Bondaegi and Suendae, my favourites,
we ate in silence for awhile, her occasionally looking up and catching my eye and me smiling back, It was so familiar and comfortable that I felt there was no need for conversation.
After eating S reached into her bag for her folder and asked if I'd proofread her latest assignment which I did quickly and efficiently, I was proud to see less mistakes than usual~perhaps my influence has rubbed off on her!
After paying I suggested we take a walk, S said she didnt have much time so we walked together to her car, about a block away, I asked how she'd been and she said she was fine, but i'm not sure she meant it. We got to her car and she thanked me for lunch while hopping inside, I told her no problem and suggested we meet again sometime soon, she said 'maybe' as she started the car.
I watched the car as it drove slowly away, S didnt turn around but bent down to turn on the radio when she got to the lights, probably BoAs' "Forever You" our favourite song.
I love her so much
At 2:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
ok guys, i've just about had enough. If your've got any nuts you contact me yourselves. I try really hard to be the best I can and do truly beleive! I bet the only people that find your comments funny are yourselves. Shame on you...I know that I am loved by all.
The real Dave.
At 6:28 AM,
Anonymous said…
way to go simon. It sounds like you had a really good time with S. When are you going to post some photos. I can't wait to see them.
At 7:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
How do you know it's guys, David?
Maybe, it's the work of one genius. Either that, or your not really Dave. But, somebody who knows the authors and is trying to worry them. I know I'd be scared if the real Dave was after me. He's almost black belt in Taekwondo, you know?
At 11:45 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi all and thanks for the comments...first 'the real Dave' I appreciate that you were the inspiration for this site and i thank you for that, but P'LEASE dont try and take anything away from my experience, we all have a hard time sometimes you know.
Anonymous, thankyou, and yes I do have pictures from happier times that I will post soon.
Goat: I havent experienced beastiality for some time, but i do respect your freedom,,,and yes I would also be scared of the real Dave, but i know in my heart that he isnt after me
take care all
At 4:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
"Contact me yourselves"
Its obviously not the real Dave. I've called that pig sty numerous times only to hear the sucking of thumbs and an abrubt hang up as soon as my voice was recognised. I've also left a million and one comments and E-mails too which none were ever responded..... the reason.... the Staypuff marshmallow man is YELLER.
At 5:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey simon, How do you like it when your thoughtful post is ignored on account of the stupid comments left by a bunch of children. Fuck off assholes. Staypuff rules
At 5:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
previous left by a friend of david's
At 5:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
The Phantom sure talks about thumb sucking a lot. Didn't your mother put jalapeno juice on your finger when you were 4 to break that trash habbit? I guess your not a guy who is easily disuaded. suck your thumb suck your thumb, and then stick it.
A.M 80
At 6:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
There sure is alot of sulking going on. I had no idea so many people thought so little of that inspiring young man known to the cyberworld as David. That being said, it is also hard to believe that so called "friends" of his would stoop to the level of posting nasty comments on this blog site. Especially after David himself has put so much effort into keeping his own site "idiot free". Freedom of speach works both ways. So if you dont like what is being said here at David and the lingering sadness.... you are by no means obligated to visit the site.
---------Jack Spratt
At 6:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
This is what blogging is all about. Intelligent discourse and debate, with unlimited freedom of speech. Take note David. Your type is dying out. The lunatics are running the asylum now. There is no place here for censorship. The revolution will be blogged.
At 6:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
This is a comment record!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats and hugs
At 7:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
oh my gosh it is too! and it was my first post so far
thanks guys I love you all and *hugs*
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