David and The Lingering Sadness...

Monday, September 18, 2006

Right or Wrong?

Last weekend, David (www.staypuff.net) commited a sin that made him question his inflated opinion of his own morality. As usual, he was completely vague about the details of what actually transpired, so it was probably nothing. I personally think he makes up these little scenarios, just to justify his banal existence. It gives him chance to talk about something else, other than naming his electrical goods and his pathetic love life.

But, just suppose someting did happen. What could he have possibly done? Since, the sycophantic, little arsewipe only allows people with a rosy view of his warped world to post comments on his website, there has been no place to speculate on this matter (until now).

Personally, I think he visited the ladies (possibly men) of the night. How about you?

Bar Bar


  • At 7:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    suck your thumb David... you might not post my comments but they will be heard.

    You whiney, self centered, fat faced faggot. Meet a girl for dinner, then freak her out by asking about relationships why dont you... Hey, i know where the mongoloid school in Andong is... i could show you the way if you want some women who can stand your company.

  • At 6:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    He may have visited the ladies of the night..

    My guess is that he got it on with Michael or maybe even Jay... i mean they are three fellas living together, what's up with that?

  • At 12:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    suck your thumb suck your thumb suck your thumb suck your thumb

    chew some poo, chew some poo, chew some poo, chew some poo.

    fall down the stairs fall down the stairs fall down the stairs



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