El Rey Chancho's Gente
I'm sorry, people, but I can't take it anymore. The only reason I wade through the river of shit, that is your weekly questions, is because I'm usually able to find at least one that is pertinent, well thought-out, and worth the time it takes to write an answer.
This is an advice blog. I give practical advice, so I'm in now way willing to field questions that have to do with the treatment of sexually-transmitted diseases (MIke Finn, Omaha,), the probability of Jesus returning within the next 20 years (Harold Smith, Freson), how old is Joan Rivers (Molly Beckert, Denver), or have I seen, and if so, what do I think of, Snakes on a Plane (Jason Wheeler, Baton Rouge).
If you want to bother someone, bother your local clergyman, your friend, your doctor, or, for the love of Christ, get on google. Google would know the answers to your stupid questions, and for those of you who are still off-line, you wouldn't have to spend 33 cents on a stamp. I know what you're thinking--if I had google, I'd have email, too, right. Yeah well then explain this to me wise ass: how the hell do they read my blog if they aren't on-line.
I've made a promise to my editor, so I'm going to answer one question, but if it weren't for her, I'd be printing out all these questions and using them to wipe my ass for the next 100,000 years--that's how many stupid questions I've recieved.
I've chosen this question at random, and I haven't read it yet, because I knew if I did, I'd puke.
Okay here we go. Oh good. It's a good one. Yes. WoW. Thank you very much Jessica Weibler, from Saint Paul. You've made my day. I'm sure all the students at Lincoln Junior high school are going to be very jealous. You might even be able to make some friends. I'm not sure, though.
I really hope one of your bleeding-heart, left-wing teachers put you up to this. Those types would put a student in harm's way, without a second thought, for no other reason, but that their cowardice compels them thus, but they complain when our president puts U.S. troops in harms way for a righteous and just cause.
I'll get on with the damn thing.
Dear Mr. Chancho,
Why is there an ever-widening divide between the rich and the poor in this counrty?
signed, Jessica Weibler
That question, Jessice, while being trite beyond comparison, is easy to answer, so I don't hate it as much as the question asking if it is possible to change the oil in a '71 Chevlle using only a pair of pliers. By the way--Yes Ron Jordan, fleetwood Ohio, it is possible, but you can figure it out your-fucking-self.
Back to Jessica. Jessica, the reason your stupid teachers wanted you to ask me this questions is because they're afraid to expose their stupidity on a public forum. I'm sure they've given you some long-winded, pretentious, verbose, uppity, explaination for the "ever-widening divide between the rich and the poor in this country". But I'll tell you right now, They're wrong.
The explaination, Jessica, is quite simple. Everyone, rich and poor, has a finite (thats limited, teachers) amount of resources. Since the trash of this country continue reproducing like flys, they've exausted their resources. Not enough to go around. You never see rich white women who have 6 kids and are on welfare, do you?
There's your answer. Tell your teachers that, instead of lobbying for more assistance for the poor and disenfranchised, they should go give them condoms.
See you next week,
El Rey Chancho
This is an advice blog. I give practical advice, so I'm in now way willing to field questions that have to do with the treatment of sexually-transmitted diseases (MIke Finn, Omaha,), the probability of Jesus returning within the next 20 years (Harold Smith, Freson), how old is Joan Rivers (Molly Beckert, Denver), or have I seen, and if so, what do I think of, Snakes on a Plane (Jason Wheeler, Baton Rouge).
If you want to bother someone, bother your local clergyman, your friend, your doctor, or, for the love of Christ, get on google. Google would know the answers to your stupid questions, and for those of you who are still off-line, you wouldn't have to spend 33 cents on a stamp. I know what you're thinking--if I had google, I'd have email, too, right. Yeah well then explain this to me wise ass: how the hell do they read my blog if they aren't on-line.
I've made a promise to my editor, so I'm going to answer one question, but if it weren't for her, I'd be printing out all these questions and using them to wipe my ass for the next 100,000 years--that's how many stupid questions I've recieved.
I've chosen this question at random, and I haven't read it yet, because I knew if I did, I'd puke.
Okay here we go. Oh good. It's a good one. Yes. WoW. Thank you very much Jessica Weibler, from Saint Paul. You've made my day. I'm sure all the students at Lincoln Junior high school are going to be very jealous. You might even be able to make some friends. I'm not sure, though.
I really hope one of your bleeding-heart, left-wing teachers put you up to this. Those types would put a student in harm's way, without a second thought, for no other reason, but that their cowardice compels them thus, but they complain when our president puts U.S. troops in harms way for a righteous and just cause.
I'll get on with the damn thing.
Dear Mr. Chancho,
Why is there an ever-widening divide between the rich and the poor in this counrty?
signed, Jessica Weibler
That question, Jessice, while being trite beyond comparison, is easy to answer, so I don't hate it as much as the question asking if it is possible to change the oil in a '71 Chevlle using only a pair of pliers. By the way--Yes Ron Jordan, fleetwood Ohio, it is possible, but you can figure it out your-fucking-self.
Back to Jessica. Jessica, the reason your stupid teachers wanted you to ask me this questions is because they're afraid to expose their stupidity on a public forum. I'm sure they've given you some long-winded, pretentious, verbose, uppity, explaination for the "ever-widening divide between the rich and the poor in this country". But I'll tell you right now, They're wrong.
The explaination, Jessica, is quite simple. Everyone, rich and poor, has a finite (thats limited, teachers) amount of resources. Since the trash of this country continue reproducing like flys, they've exausted their resources. Not enough to go around. You never see rich white women who have 6 kids and are on welfare, do you?
There's your answer. Tell your teachers that, instead of lobbying for more assistance for the poor and disenfranchised, they should go give them condoms.
See you next week,
El Rey Chancho
At 5:41 AM, Anonymous said…
El Ray
sorry, but this is a question.
why does that fuckarse simons' post remain above yours even though yours is the latest entry?
i bet that snivelling weasel is sitting on his festering arse making sure his insignificant little existence is noted.
If you attend his little gay teaparty this weekend, kick his arse for me
At 5:45 AM, Anonymous said…
El Ray
do think its possible with training and a strong will to hold your breath for five minutes? or even more?
At 5:48 AM, Anonymous said…
Say if someone had a really small face and shoulders, but really large buttocks and knees, what kind of workout could they do so I could attract girls
At 7:21 AM, Anonymous said…
Is it possible to look right with your left eye and left with your right and look into your own eyes?
and if someone did this would they lose some of their soul or perhaps become stronger?
At 2:47 PM, Anonymous said…
Sorry gentlemen, I need to interupt and make a few points just to even things up. Philbert, please don't pick on Simon that way, I'm sure he has nothing to do with the dynamics of the website, and please don't call him 'gay'. Having never met Simon (Dave) I can tell through his lovely writing style and thoughtful selection of words that he is merely a modern day sensitive man, who cares highly about the world and its people. I admire Simon for his honesty and whimsical demeanour in allowing us into his love life...and tea parties. I can tell you are one of those big brash american men. I find your precense intimidating and unnecerssary. Please refrain from using foul vernacular on this blog, lets support and nuture each other and then may be one day soon we can all enjoy a large tea party and scones together. You should try drinking tea Philbert, it might be good for your blood pressure. Anyway I'm glad I got that out of the way...no offence meant to anyone. Remember 'we are the world, so lets start giving'
Love you all
The loyal fan
At 5:06 PM, Anonymous said…
El Rey. What is Fujitsu? Do you think Simon could use it to kick your arse?
The loyal fan, you said you, "meant no offence to anyone." Well, too late, because you offended me with your spelling.
At 5:11 PM, Anonymous said…
Okay this is hard for me to explain but ill do my best. What if everyone in the world saw different colors. In preschool a teacher would point to something and say this is green so you know that anything with that color is green but what if I see green as your pink and you see your pink as my green. Following me? This would also be almost impossible to prove seeing that you cant explain colors and you couldnt film what you see because they could see it defferently. So what do you think?
At 5:17 PM, Anonymous said…
What if god really existed? I know it's unlikely. But, just think for a minute, what if he did? Either, he's incompetent, or, he's one sadistic bastard. Whichever way, we're all fucked, especially you, El Rey.
At 5:25 PM, Anonymous said…
Since 1990 David Icke has been on an amazing journey of self and collective discovery to establish the real power behind apparently 'random' world events like 9/11 and the 'war on terrorism'. Here he reveals that a network of interbreeding bloodlines manipulating through their web of interconnecting secret societies have been pursuing an agenda for thousands of years to impose a global centralised fascist state with total control and surveillance of the population.
Over six hours with hundreds of illustrations, David Icke reveals the illusion that is life in this 'physical' reality. How is this 'world' - a provable illusion - just a lucid dream? How do we create it and how can we change the dream to one that we would like to experience?
also if I eliminated David Icke, would he go to heaven?
At 5:41 PM, Anonymous said…
Your answer to a very good, thought provoking question is quite offensive and shows a deep ignorance on your part.
On the surface, when the simple facts are presented, I can see your argument. This, is the reason the world continues to be run by right wing reactionaries like yourself. Political commentators and the media, don't want to scratch the surface and find the real cause of the divide. They do this for two reasons. First, they don't want to upset the social order, their bosses (and their bosses) and ultimately, their paycheck. Second, it is much easier to make lazy connections and stereotypes, as you do.
I could go on, but I don't have time to waste on people like you. If, anybody wants real in-depth political comment and analysis come to my blog. http://atopian.org/blog/1
At 6:49 PM, Anonymous said…
Mr. Gregory,
reactionary, knee-jerk, deep ignorance, social order, sterotypes, lazy connections.
I think someone just bought, The Idiots Guide to Liberal Jargon. Alex, if you want to attack me, by all means, do so, and expose your leftist visciousness. It's okay. You are not nice people, so there's no need acting as such.
Now, Alex, I know the real reason you're mad at me. It really has nothing to do with my answer, or my political views, does it? You're angry because I've never answered any of your numerous questions that you've submitted to Chancho's Gente. Alex, there's a reason I didn't answer your questions, and I'm going to make it quite clear. First, let me say that my political have nothing to do with the questions I decide to answer; in fact, I like fielding questions from liberals because liberals make fun of themselves, and save me the time.
I didn't answer you questions Alex because they were far too childish and inane for me to take seriously. I know what you're thinking . . . . un ah, right, but it is the truth of the matter, and to illistrate, I'm going to dig through my toilet-paper basket and find one of you're questions. Here is it. Dear readers, brace yourselves. Alex, Put on some glasses--the light of truth can be blinding.
Here it is:
Dear Mr. Chancho,
My Name is Alex. I'm 21 years old and am currently studying political science at the University of Pheonix. I really like your advice blog, and I usually read it everyday. I was wondering if you could answer one of my questions.
I'm thinking about going to grad school after I recieve my bachelor's degree. Do you think I should have work ecperience before I apply or should I just go straight from my undergrad instution. Also, should I stay in state, or should I go elsewhere?
Yeah. That's why Alex is angry. Go ask your mom, Alex. This is a serious blog. It's not for children, so abuse me if you like, but remember, I know the truth, and everybody else does, too.
El Rey
At 8:07 PM, Anonymous said…
If, Mr. Chancho (if that's even your real name, you're probably just one of those frat boys who never matures and thinks it's really cool to introduce yourself with a stupid nickname. Your real name is probably Charles or Bernard), you had taken even a minute to peruse my website, you would at least have been able to make up decent lies about me and bogus letters from me.
I do not blame you for this. In fact, I have come to expect it of your ilk. If, the informatation to criticise, persecute or prosicute is not available, who cares? You can always fabricate it.
I'm not really mad at you. I pity you. Like the majority of people in affluent society, you have been poisoned by and have now been integrated into this mainstream opinion, that is perpetuated by the media and government. You cannot help your ignorance. And, as much as people like me do try and help you and free you, you almost definitely won't change.
Remember, the system is easy to ignore, until it's knocking on the door of your home. Then, maybe you will realise who the enemy really is and why this artificial divide has been driven through society.
Liberalism, is to this era what communism was to the 60's. It's just a cheap label to throw at someone with alternative views, who is actually prepared to sit down and try and provide rationale for the way the world works. It takes no account of a persons true politcal views. You are just called a Liberal if you question the general consensus.
You are pathetic.
I look forward to your response. Although, I can probably guess what it will be.
At 8:50 PM, Anonymous said…
wow..... its a battle between two dorks who like to use big words to make themselves feel superior. Personally, I think their time would be better spent masturbating. In fact...... I think I'll go beat my meat right now. seeya later.
At 9:22 PM, Anonymous said…
There really is no need for fatuous comments, Mr. Phantom.
At 11:51 PM, Anonymous said…
This is the Alex actually from atopian.org. For some crazy reason I'm being impersonated here; the comments above this one are NOT from me. I'll post on my website stating this, and hope whoever is impersonating me stops.
At 12:17 AM, Anonymous said…
ummmm whatever alex would someone want to imprsonate you? is this just another ploy to boost your own ego?
At 10:25 PM, Anonymous said…
NEW COMMENT RECORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
good job El Ray
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