Love and some verses
Sometimes in life things happen that at the time seem terrible and much worser than before but eventually you know that the sun will come out and a brighter tomorrow awaits......
Hi guys
i hope its all going well in your amazing lives
ive been away from the blog this week, I've been flat out with the 'real' world and trying to get to grips with my existance
any time ive had on the computer has been dedicated to getting my jumbled photo files in some kind of presentable order!
i must have 75000 of them now and thyere all over the place, ive been meaning to head to seoul and pick up the frippypic 2pj7 for windows which would make everything easier......lord knows when the pics from bonjovia will be ready...*sigh*
anyway i popped over to the site and read dmans entry, D i really sympathise with your situation, but i think its time you realised that your girl is a bad lemon.
As much as i know you love her you have to come to terms with the fact that not only is she betraying you, but she is causing friction in the household by coming between you and Kay.
Im sorry to speak so frankly but i talked to S about your situation and she agrees...that girl is bad need to stand up for yourself and tell her to move on, you can do better than that, visualise it in your mind before you sleep and it can come true.
My 'love life' (hah) has taken another turn, and probably for the best.
S and I have decided to become just "good friends"
we met last night downtown and had a lovely time over caramel frappachinos and a lovely slice of organic, fairtrade chocolate cake.... just devine
after a good chat in which we both talked honestly we agreed that moving toward a physical relationship is probably not the right step
we both share the opinion that 'sex' can be awkward, messy and a largely unnecessary activity that can harm true love
there were a few tears, laughs, and a second slice of cake in what turned into the most memorable moments of my life
ive never felt so close to another human being, and when it was finally time for me to go home to bed, it was clear that S and I had become true friends of the heart
we shared a good long hug outside my house and when I got upstairs I cried myself to sleep, just my bodies way of releasing all the emotion and anxiety id built up over the past few weeks
Tony has been really good and I dont know what id do without him to be honest, hes really been there for me, and S too over the last few days
He's agreed to take over the english-korean exchange class for a few weeks until the dust settles a little and S and I can meet without the tears
Tony has no interest in learning korean so this gesture is very good of him, hes going to take the class, and relay the relevant language notes etc to me after the class...what a guy, I really feel a strong bond between us so much so that this afternoon I told him, with an honest heart, that I love him too.
Well whenever I have a breakup I tend to turn to artistic pursuits rather than alcohol to feel better about myself, so this afternoon I started to write a song,
Ive been playing a recorder lately that I confiscated off a student and came up with a tune
so far I only have a few lines so if anybody has idea for the rest of the song please submit them
here we go
I left my baby at the DMZ...
because a man with a gun came after me...
I was so blind that I did not see...
my baby standing in the DMZ.
My eyes teared up I began to cry...
If I was a bird then I could fly...
Across the sky to the tallest tree...
Above my baby in the DMZ.
Its more of a chant than a song I guess because i only play two notes and Tony said he'll break my nose if he hears the recorder from his room but I think theres enough there for you to get the idea
however I think it needs more verses, maybe something that touches the emotions of people in this beautiful land and could perhaps reunify the peninsular and heal the broken hearts seperated by war
thanks guys
and take care
Hi guys
i hope its all going well in your amazing lives
ive been away from the blog this week, I've been flat out with the 'real' world and trying to get to grips with my existance
any time ive had on the computer has been dedicated to getting my jumbled photo files in some kind of presentable order!
i must have 75000 of them now and thyere all over the place, ive been meaning to head to seoul and pick up the frippypic 2pj7 for windows which would make everything easier......lord knows when the pics from bonjovia will be ready...*sigh*
anyway i popped over to the site and read dmans entry, D i really sympathise with your situation, but i think its time you realised that your girl is a bad lemon.
As much as i know you love her you have to come to terms with the fact that not only is she betraying you, but she is causing friction in the household by coming between you and Kay.
Im sorry to speak so frankly but i talked to S about your situation and she agrees...that girl is bad need to stand up for yourself and tell her to move on, you can do better than that, visualise it in your mind before you sleep and it can come true.
My 'love life' (hah) has taken another turn, and probably for the best.
S and I have decided to become just "good friends"
we met last night downtown and had a lovely time over caramel frappachinos and a lovely slice of organic, fairtrade chocolate cake.... just devine
after a good chat in which we both talked honestly we agreed that moving toward a physical relationship is probably not the right step
we both share the opinion that 'sex' can be awkward, messy and a largely unnecessary activity that can harm true love
there were a few tears, laughs, and a second slice of cake in what turned into the most memorable moments of my life
ive never felt so close to another human being, and when it was finally time for me to go home to bed, it was clear that S and I had become true friends of the heart
we shared a good long hug outside my house and when I got upstairs I cried myself to sleep, just my bodies way of releasing all the emotion and anxiety id built up over the past few weeks
Tony has been really good and I dont know what id do without him to be honest, hes really been there for me, and S too over the last few days
He's agreed to take over the english-korean exchange class for a few weeks until the dust settles a little and S and I can meet without the tears
Tony has no interest in learning korean so this gesture is very good of him, hes going to take the class, and relay the relevant language notes etc to me after the class...what a guy, I really feel a strong bond between us so much so that this afternoon I told him, with an honest heart, that I love him too.
Well whenever I have a breakup I tend to turn to artistic pursuits rather than alcohol to feel better about myself, so this afternoon I started to write a song,
Ive been playing a recorder lately that I confiscated off a student and came up with a tune
so far I only have a few lines so if anybody has idea for the rest of the song please submit them
here we go
I left my baby at the DMZ...
because a man with a gun came after me...
I was so blind that I did not see...
my baby standing in the DMZ.
My eyes teared up I began to cry...
If I was a bird then I could fly...
Across the sky to the tallest tree...
Above my baby in the DMZ.
Its more of a chant than a song I guess because i only play two notes and Tony said he'll break my nose if he hears the recorder from his room but I think theres enough there for you to get the idea
however I think it needs more verses, maybe something that touches the emotions of people in this beautiful land and could perhaps reunify the peninsular and heal the broken hearts seperated by war
thanks guys
and take care
At 6:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
bruce springstein might like that one Si, or maybe brian adams.
At 6:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
Just thought I'd let you guys know how I'm getting on:
It’s just gone midnight here and I’m sitting in front of my computer not feeling all that sleepy. Instead I have many, many thoughts going through my head, because alas its that wonderful time of the year again where I have to make all sorts of hard decisions. These decisions will undoubtedly shape the course of my life over the next month so the entire process, while not exactly nerve wrecking, means I have to put a lot of thought into it. It’s not like going to the supermarket and buying a packet of, I don’t know, kimchi flavored chips, without having to worry about whether or not I’m going to like it.
What I decide to do now is important, regardless of how laid back I’m trying to be about it.
Of course the most obvious decision is whether or not I want to spend another year here in Korea? The answer to that is; yes. I know I do my fair share of bitching and moaning, but life here in Korea is comfortable. Buggered if its a flawed psychology that being comfortable and content is better then being home and knowing the prospect of being miserable and sad is very likely outcome. Of course I could go home, get a good job, and carrying on what I started off 6 years ago when I left university.
However thought of going back to how it was, man, that really sets something off inside me.
But even now, to this very day, the prospect of going home still scares me. For those that have been following my site for more then a couple of years, and there’s a handful of you out there I know, may all recall my last few months before leaving Korea. In short, those few months (hell, maybe that whole year) was a trying time for me, and with the goodness of God, family, friends, and the odd strangers willing to lend an ear and offer some verbal support, I managed to stay afloat long enough to get myself here.
Even those you’d think least likely to help, have in someway.
If you want to say that’s running away from my fears and problems, then I don’t have a problem with that, there’s a whole bunch of truth in that.
That said, I’ve made an adequate life here in Korea, and if I can wake up every morning feeling like things are ok, and that life isn’t so bad, and my day is actually full of things I want to do, then what’s that problem in that? Doesn’t say I will be here definitely, but for now I count my blessing.
Oddly, I’ve decided I want to stay in Andong. Hello comfort zone. Well, I thought about moving to Seoul heavily, but I just feel there’s a few more things here in Andong I want to complete, not to mention I have a few nice friends here too. They’re not perfect and they certainly come with their fair share of annoyances and irritations, but who am I to judge? At the end of the day they’re good people and I need, at times, to execute some patience and understanding.
There are now two possibilities for my stay here in Andong;
Firstly; I’ll be staying here at my current hagwon, coming back for my third year in early January with a new contract. At the same time I’ll also be applying for the job at Kundong University for the full-time English teacher (they’re 90% sure about wanting one next year). Its not a shoe-in, it never is in my experience, but I have the inside track having worked there and my boss at the university is very happy with my work. If I do get the job, my director at the hagwon is happy for me to leave and terminate my contract with him. (Anyone who has worked in Korea may be saying it was mad of me to tell my hagwon director about my plan, but my director has been very supportive of me, and he deserved to know if I had plans to leave early). I’d start working at the university in March. This would be ideal for me.
Secondly; If I didn’t get the university gig, I’d stay for another year at the same hagwon. I’d get a pay rise and most importantly my own apartment (in March). So really, that’s not a bad option either. Two years of sharing an apartment is enough by anyone’s standards and my director agrees.
Either way, they’re two good paths and its put me in a very nice position.
Finer details of going home and coming back still haven’t been worked out yet (well at least coming back to Korea, I know when I’m coming back to Perth;) ). It’s likely I’ll be in Perth for 3 to 4 weeks, a couple of weeks longer then when my first contract finished and I’m sure to enjoy the R&R.
There are a few other, non-related issues, that have been on my mind too. Now probably isn’t the best time to get into it, but I’m systematically dealing with them one at a time.
All said and done though, I’m doing ok. Life isn’t completely ideal, let alone perfect, but its cruising along nicely. And you know something? I can smile these days with some reason behind it, which is a far cry from how I was a couple of years back
At 7:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
This is the comment section. Post on your own site where we dont have to listen to your moaning and sobbing.
Try this one out...
I had another girl, lets call her S
S shagged Tony and I am DEPRESSED
Although it makes me somewhat angry i SUPPOSE
If I say a word he'll break my NOSE
---------Jack Spratt
At 8:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
I left me bitch at the DMZ,
she was a HO!, she liked to blow me,
and every soldier I could see,
So, I shot that bitch at the DMZ.
This section should be rapped. Everybody has to chant HO!
At 8:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
thanks snoop
but I was thinking more along the lines of
when i sing "left my baby at the DMZ" the guys in the background will say "Dmz D.d.d.m.z"
and then "Aft.aft.aft...aft.after me"
like that...kind of like i imagine a real professional, like phil collins would do it
I was also thinking that a soprano sax solo in the middle would really create a great mood and sense of the longing that our hero is feeling
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