A Day In My Life
I heard recently, that the British Library is making a historical blog. A cross-section of people have been chosen to record what they did on a particular day and this record would be secured in the British library for future generations to peruse. The day that was chosen was October 17th, as it was the most normal day on the calendar.
Inspired by this, I decided to be original and do exactly the same, and try to pass it off as me being spontaneous. So, here goes:
3:07am - Awoken, by a strange banging sound from K's room. I know he was helping Ming - Er (the girl I was dating (kind of dating (well, went out for lunch with (once (Ok, she stood me up (but, she definitely likes me (despite, not returning my calls (and consistently avoiding me))))))) study English, but I'm sure she left hours ago. He must be putting up a picture up or something (I wish he'd stop screaming like a girl, must have hit his thumb!!!!).
6:04am - I managed to get back to sleep about exactly 34 minutes ago. Awoken, by the sunrise and the birds singing beautifully in the trees. Wipe away a tear and decide the world is beautiful. There's a small wet patch on my bed again, must have spilt some water last night. Maybe, it's condensation.
6:31am - Time for my power walk. See Ming-Er coming out of the bathroom as I leave. She is dedicated to her studies, turning up at this time to learn another language. I think I'm falling in love. She shoots me a look, that says "Die, creep!" , but I know it's just a cover-up for her real emotions. She is my soulmate. Realising this brings a tear to my eye, I wipe it away.
I'm out on the street now. There's a chill in the air. Winter is definitely on it's way, a novelty for a WA boy like Moi.
7:02am I arrive at the river, 1km from my house after building up quite a sweat. Check watch, 31m24s a new record. Feel in great shape.
The leaves have started to turn that beautiful orange colour. Decide the world is beautiful for the second time today. Wipe a tear from my eye.
I get out my prayer mat and face Mecca. I begin to pray, don't know what I'm doing really. I just utter Insallah, shabash and the names of Pakistan cricketers repeatedly until my ritual is interrupted by a drunken tramp throwing soju bottles at me. I feel becoming a Muslim has made me a more spiritual, peaceful person and people really respect me now.
7:37am - Back at home. Bacon sandwich for breakfast. Pork is OK for Muslims, isn't it?
K is teaching Ming-Er how to kiss 'Western style.' His dedication to educating her really goes beyond the call of duty. Manage to fight the tears welling up inside.
7:51am - Ride my scooter to the University I have just started teaching at. Today I reach 40km/h, the fastest I have been, yet! The students seem despondent, which is surprising, because my lesson is fascinating, After class, I linger, I can hear them talking about a big night out they are having this weekend. Wait for an invite.(I'm still waiting, bless them, they were too shy to ask).
9:18am - Back home. I decide to download some photos. I have some good ones of my feet (I have an in-growing toenail.) I also took some good images of the bacon sandwich I ate this morning and the glass of water I drank. Decide to name my camera Bek Seju.
10:01am - I'm a minute late to class, but I have that rebelious streak, so I don't care. Mary, a sweet little kid shows me her affection by kicking me in the shin and shouting "GESEKI" at me, I think it means I love you. How sweet. The tears come back, but I fight them.
The next twelve (I took a few off K, he's under a lot of stress) classes follow a similar pattern. Kids show their love for me through excessive violence, none of the other teachers are loved this way.
8:21pm - I ask all twelve of my co-teachers if they'd like to join me for dinner. They all have legitimate excuses, again. Fair enough, they are very busy people.
I walk downtown. Past the famous meat restaurant I went to on my first night here, but have not been invited back to since. I would go in, but they don't really care for people on their own, who does?
I peer in through the window. K and my other co-workers are all there, happy as Barry. I would go in, but they obviously didn't invite me for a reason. My contract is up soon, so they must be planning a leaving celebration for when I'm gone (I mean going).
I get some fried chicken on a stick and head down to the river.
8:45pm - Down by the river, again. The circle of my day is almost complete.
The sun sets behind the trees. The fish jump in the river. The birds glide past. A dog shits next to me. A young couple, who must be 15 stroll past, they are so much in love. There is too much beauty in this world.
I can't bear the beauty. Emotions overpower me, joy, sorrow, joy, grief, pity, joy. I put my head between my legs and cry.
9:12pm - I'm still crying.
9:14pm - Contemplate suicide.
9:18pm - Decide too many people love me and would miss me. Make a mental list of all the people who love me.
I cry on....
9:54pm - and on...
The D man.
Inspired by this, I decided to be original and do exactly the same, and try to pass it off as me being spontaneous. So, here goes:
3:07am - Awoken, by a strange banging sound from K's room. I know he was helping Ming - Er (the girl I was dating (kind of dating (well, went out for lunch with (once (Ok, she stood me up (but, she definitely likes me (despite, not returning my calls (and consistently avoiding me))))))) study English, but I'm sure she left hours ago. He must be putting up a picture up or something (I wish he'd stop screaming like a girl, must have hit his thumb!!!!).
6:04am - I managed to get back to sleep about exactly 34 minutes ago. Awoken, by the sunrise and the birds singing beautifully in the trees. Wipe away a tear and decide the world is beautiful. There's a small wet patch on my bed again, must have spilt some water last night. Maybe, it's condensation.
6:31am - Time for my power walk. See Ming-Er coming out of the bathroom as I leave. She is dedicated to her studies, turning up at this time to learn another language. I think I'm falling in love. She shoots me a look, that says "Die, creep!" , but I know it's just a cover-up for her real emotions. She is my soulmate. Realising this brings a tear to my eye, I wipe it away.
I'm out on the street now. There's a chill in the air. Winter is definitely on it's way, a novelty for a WA boy like Moi.
7:02am I arrive at the river, 1km from my house after building up quite a sweat. Check watch, 31m24s a new record. Feel in great shape.
The leaves have started to turn that beautiful orange colour. Decide the world is beautiful for the second time today. Wipe a tear from my eye.
I get out my prayer mat and face Mecca. I begin to pray, don't know what I'm doing really. I just utter Insallah, shabash and the names of Pakistan cricketers repeatedly until my ritual is interrupted by a drunken tramp throwing soju bottles at me. I feel becoming a Muslim has made me a more spiritual, peaceful person and people really respect me now.
7:37am - Back at home. Bacon sandwich for breakfast. Pork is OK for Muslims, isn't it?
K is teaching Ming-Er how to kiss 'Western style.' His dedication to educating her really goes beyond the call of duty. Manage to fight the tears welling up inside.
7:51am - Ride my scooter to the University I have just started teaching at. Today I reach 40km/h, the fastest I have been, yet! The students seem despondent, which is surprising, because my lesson is fascinating, After class, I linger, I can hear them talking about a big night out they are having this weekend. Wait for an invite.(I'm still waiting, bless them, they were too shy to ask).
9:18am - Back home. I decide to download some photos. I have some good ones of my feet (I have an in-growing toenail.) I also took some good images of the bacon sandwich I ate this morning and the glass of water I drank. Decide to name my camera Bek Seju.
10:01am - I'm a minute late to class, but I have that rebelious streak, so I don't care. Mary, a sweet little kid shows me her affection by kicking me in the shin and shouting "GESEKI" at me, I think it means I love you. How sweet. The tears come back, but I fight them.
The next twelve (I took a few off K, he's under a lot of stress) classes follow a similar pattern. Kids show their love for me through excessive violence, none of the other teachers are loved this way.
8:21pm - I ask all twelve of my co-teachers if they'd like to join me for dinner. They all have legitimate excuses, again. Fair enough, they are very busy people.
I walk downtown. Past the famous meat restaurant I went to on my first night here, but have not been invited back to since. I would go in, but they don't really care for people on their own, who does?
I peer in through the window. K and my other co-workers are all there, happy as Barry. I would go in, but they obviously didn't invite me for a reason. My contract is up soon, so they must be planning a leaving celebration for when I'm gone (I mean going).
I get some fried chicken on a stick and head down to the river.
8:45pm - Down by the river, again. The circle of my day is almost complete.
The sun sets behind the trees. The fish jump in the river. The birds glide past. A dog shits next to me. A young couple, who must be 15 stroll past, they are so much in love. There is too much beauty in this world.
I can't bear the beauty. Emotions overpower me, joy, sorrow, joy, grief, pity, joy. I put my head between my legs and cry.
9:12pm - I'm still crying.
9:14pm - Contemplate suicide.
9:18pm - Decide too many people love me and would miss me. Make a mental list of all the people who love me.
I cry on....
9:54pm - and on...
The D man.
At 7:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
I hate spammers, but please could you post this link to my new video?
If, you don't, I'll cut your skin off and wear it as a dress.
At 9:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
This could possibly be the best post on this blog to date. Poor D-man, he reminds me so much of another young blogger i know of... boooo hoooo hooooo hoooooooo
---------Jack Spratt
At 5:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
That could possibly be the best comment ever onany blog. Thank you Jack, you are an officer and a gentleman.
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