The Religious Wrong

I'm sick and tired of the internet (and the world in general) being populated by patronising, pontificating, ignorant religious fuckwads, like Andy in Korea. They never miss an oppurtunity to spout some bullshit or other about God. They take a picture of a flower and thank God, they have a good solid shit and thank God, there wife dies of AIDS and they say God works in mysterious ways, they blow up a building and they're doing it for God, they bomb a country, mollest a child and on and on and on. Then at the end they always justify their actions, by saying it's God's will, or God's testing them. What kind of sick fuck of a God, would give us AIDS, Tsunami's etc?
Stop being such spineless arseholes and take responsibility for your own actions. And, accept that shit things like hurricanes and aerthquakes happen and there is a scientific explanation for them.
Different religions.
His name was God. No, you're wrong, it was Allah.
Jesus, No, Mohammed. Bible, Koran.
Red hats, green hats. Star of David, Cross.
Left, right.
What a load of fucking nonsense. It was all written by humans. Humans who were either scizophrenic, drunk, meglomaniacs or just taking the piss. So, who gives a flying fuck where your holy land is? Or, which piece of your flesh you should cover.
It's like the God damn enlightenment never happened.
The Very Reverend Gerry Paisley
At 9:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
what do any of the last few posts have to do with me????
At 9:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
They were talking about things they hate and everybody hates you. Cunty-bollocks.
At 10:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
Cunty-bollocks. Thats a great name for David. From this day forward let it be known that David may be referred to at any time by the name Cunty-Bollocks.
At 3:38 AM,
Chase said…
But but.
There is a special place reserved for you in hell.
I hope you see the light before it is too late.
You know what? You should leave other peoples religion's alone. Ever heard of freedom of religion? Yes, you have freedom of speech, As long as it does not offend. You are offending. Rather concentrate on the Devil, he whose work you are so arduantly carrying out.
At 4:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
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At 4:07 AM,
Anonymous said…
Who is this Varsity Jerk? What's the point in freedom of speech, if you can't offend? Remember the great Larry Flynt?
If, you believe in something as irrational and stupid as religion, you should expect to be abused. In fact, you deserve to be abused. Their religions and idiocy offend me, so, they shouldn't be allowed them or so your logic goes.
At 5:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
i hate varsity jock
its clear hes a guy who wants to be a jock and an intellectual at the same time i reckon he's a shit rugby player with pimples who is struggling through an arts degree and jerks off to old pam anderson pictures, probably cant pay the rent either.
I visited his site and it was highly offensive, I tried some of his tips for keeping girls out on mine and she left.
fuck you varsity jock
At 5:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
I vote that instead of hating david exclusivly, we hate VJ too, but we also keep an intense amount of heat on both, which will require more work.
Varsity jock is an idiot fuck, and his blog blows
At 5:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
Varsity jock....
Chew some poo.
At 6:09 AM,
Bar Bar Butt said…
Please, don't rise to the Varsity Jock. It is obvious that his blog is just one of these spoofs that make a mockery of us serious bloggers. He is being deliberately provocative, because he thinks it's big and clever.
He's only here to increase the traffic on his lame blog. He can only dream of having a large intellectual gaggle of subscribers and contributors.
And, he's a prick. Damn! I lowered myself.
At 6:17 AM,
Evangelist said…
I believe in Christ because of the evidence. I am sorry some believers have made you so angry and bitter. It must be horrible to be so full of anger. Hope you have a better day today. Peace!
At 8:33 AM,
Adam said…
Rev 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
I'm going to take a wild guess that the reason you're such a hater of Christ is because you are selfish and want to keep on doing your thing. Hope that changes one day man.
At 9:20 AM,
Bar Bar Butt said…
Mr. Evangelist, I never said I didn't believe in Christ. I'm pretty sure there was a gentlemen walking around Bethlehem or wherever he was supposed to be, called Jesus Christ, 2000 years ago.
He was just a conjurer of cheap tricks and illusions. Kind of like an early day David Blaine or Uri Geller. He may have even believed he was the son of god, but I've met many sons of god in the asylum.
No guy likes to admit that his mother has had sex, but underneath we all know she did. You really have to be in denial to start a whole religion based upon that belief.
Adam, this is what I'm talking about. You freaks always come out with some stupid, irrelevant quote from the bible about fire and brimstone. Like it means anything. You might aswell be quoting Lord of the Rings or Star Wars, it means as much. Maybe, two thousand years from now people will be celebrating the coming of Luke Skywalker.
At 7:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
adam brown,
dont you go threatening me. i don't want to hear that stuff. go fishing or something, and don't threaten me. I've gotta go to work and I don't want to have those threats on my mind all day long.
levi cobb
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