XXX mas is Coming
That time of year is coming again.
The time we all love.
The time when families and friends come to celebrate a joyous religious occasion.
The time when everybody sings beautiful carols.
The time when we all eat drink and be merry.
The time when we take a moment to think about the poor and needy (Do they even know it's Christmas?).
The time when we give something back to the ones we love, to show how much we care.
The time when we welcome a new year and a new beginning.
The time when we make resolutions.
The time when we light up our towns and homes.
The time when we build pretty little snow man.
The time when the portly bearded one decends our chimneys.
Yes. That's right Christmas is coming and I, for one, can't wait. I've already started buying presents. I hope you're ready.
Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year.
The D man.
P.s. I had to be the first.
The time we all love.
The time when families and friends come to celebrate a joyous religious occasion.
The time when everybody sings beautiful carols.
The time when we all eat drink and be merry.
The time when we take a moment to think about the poor and needy (Do they even know it's Christmas?).
The time when we give something back to the ones we love, to show how much we care.
The time when we welcome a new year and a new beginning.
The time when we make resolutions.
The time when we light up our towns and homes.
The time when we build pretty little snow man.
The time when the portly bearded one decends our chimneys.
Yes. That's right Christmas is coming and I, for one, can't wait. I've already started buying presents. I hope you're ready.
Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year.
The D man.
P.s. I had to be the first.
At 11:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
The time when we are exploited and forced to buy overpriced crap and watch re-runs of shit movies we've seen a thousand times before. Just because some little conjuring twat was born 2000 years ago. If, I could go back in time, I would crucify that bastard... Oh, wait somebody already did. They could of done it earlier.
40 days without food, bullshit. Water into wine, my arse.
At 11:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 11:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
I can understand you taking my name in vain and not believing in my existence. After all, I've not done much to justify it recently.
To tell you the truth, I just can't be arsed. You know when you start a computer game, like Sim City? You make something really cool and then you just get bored and destruction becomes more fun.
So, for the last few thousand years I've just been dicking around with you all really. Can you blame me? When the people who do believe in me are tiresome freaks like Andrew Brown. I wish I'd put Canada on a fault line now. If ever there's something I regret, it's making that cesspit.
So, when you guys come to heaven, we'll have a few beers, go see a few strip shows and throw stones at Andrew Brown.
Later dudes.
At 11:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
Ok fellas, you've had your fun at our expense, but shit is soon going to hit the fan. Instead of replying to this idiocy, I've been working my ass off trying to find your identities.
I'm not sure exactly how many people are actually involved in this site.. but I have secured the identity of one. Honestly, i would like to punish all involved in this direct attempt at making people's lives miserable but its just too hard and time consuming to track people down through I.P addresses and such. Therefore we are going to severely punish the one person we know for sure is involved. Mr. A. __w____h.
Yes I'll keep your identity hidden for now, at least until we've had our revenge. You'll soon feel the wrath of a true Aussie rage. The thunder from down under mate.
At 2:44 AM,
Bar Bar Butt said…
I assure you all the people involved in this site have already been named. We do not use pseudonyms, as we believe we have nothing to hide.
The comments are the work of third party individuals, with no connection to us.
However, the individual you mentioned, I believe I know. Well if anybody can know him or see.
He moves likes the wind and strikes like a cobra. From North to South, East to West, up the highest mountains, in the deepest seas; his name is whispered as if he were a God. The myths and tales that surround him have become urban and international folklore.
Once, whilst 0n a 100 day trek through the Himalayas he is said to have encountered a pack of 7 Yeti and fought them all to the death, before crawling 600miles back to civilisation with no food, in minus thirty degrees.
Be afraid of the beast you may awake, be very afraid.
At 5:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
Angry Australians. Is there any other kind?
They all have a chip lodged permanentely on their scrawny shoulders. All criminals seem to do, they can't accept that it's their fault they've been shipped off to a shithole island to spend the rest of their days.
They also seem to have a lot of time on their work shy hands, spending all that time tracking down somebody who makes a few constructive criticisms of their retarded race.
At 6:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
my house is surrounded by craters from the dynamite blasts that boom on the horizon. I live in a war zone, fighting a war, and I'm winning, with one hand tied behind my back. I see the way they come on you, rising out of the muck, dirty faces and bared teeth. I've seen um.
At 6:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
dialectic exausted says,
religion is now off limits as a topic of conversation. no one really cares one way or the other
At 9:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
i cant beat dead horses
At 9:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
O.K... if religion is off the agenda, lets step up the game on racism. How does everyone feel about black people?
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